Just a Couple of Stools
The first iteration of Regretting Almost Everything was performed at Mr. Finn’s Cabaret at Barrington Stage in August of 2017. Two stools, no props, four on-stage musicians. Though the show has evolved into a full-length musical comedy, and we can imagine it living well in an intimate Broadway house*, we still envision it being performed with a couple of stools — okay, maybe a third stool for Anne to use when she’s in Milwaukee — and minimal props.
Why just a couple of stools? We don’t need anything else. And being limited to the stools will inevitably lead to creative and comedic choices. I especially look forward to “Dating,” in which Anne and Clay ride a tandem, a Ferris wheel, and go canoeing and zooing.
*If a producer wants to use something more than a couple of stools when the show’s on Broadway, we’re open to discussion :)