It’s Normal - Lyric

Regretting Almost Everything is a two-person musical comedy about marriage in which an older woman ultimately leaves her marriage because she wants better sex. Anne doesn’t just go; she tells Clay she needs more from him in the bedroom, and then she takes a job out of town hoping that will help rekindle his passion. Clay’s troubled. He tries to convince himself he’s not the problem.  

Before I wrote the lyrics for It’s Normal, I met with an acquaintance who’s a marital counselor and sex therapist.

Also note the exceptionally beautiful and unusual orchestration. (I’m allowed to say that because I didn’t write it; Danny did).

It’s normal.
It’s normal.
For libido to diminish with age.
It’s normal to be tired
and somewhat less inspired.
It’s normal.
completely normal.

It’s normal.
It’s normal.
For attraction to have dwindled with time.
I rue the loss of myst’ry.
We traded it for hist’ry.
It’s normal.
I know it’s normal.

It’s not as if we don’t make love at all.
It’s not as if we sleep in separate beds.
How can she expect
new moves and repertoire?
Why can’t she respect
we are who we are?

 It’s normal.
It’s normal.
To feel angry and resentful when judged.
to feel apprehensive,
and go on the defensive… 

If anyone’s an outlier — it’s her.
if anyone should doubt themselves — it’s her.
Anyone can see it’s she that’s out of whack.
You’d think she’d be relieved,
content to kick back. 

It’s normal.
it’s normal.
to be bitter when you’re doing your best.
and if I don’t desire
the fury and the fire….
it’s normal

I am utterly,