The Song Danny Refuses to Set

In the libretto for the musical — as distinguished from the album — Blind Date is the first song and Do It All Again is the last song. We made Blind Date a bonus track on the album because we thought it would be confusing to open with it on the album.

But here’s a secret: Just as Blind Date is the real opener, a song called We Bought a Plot is the real — though optional — closer. Let me explain: In my imagination, the audience loves the show so much that, when Beth and Jeff take their finals bows after Do It All Again, the audience begs for an encore. Beth and Jeff protest, humbly, as if there’s nothing left for them to sing. But it’s a trick. There is something else!  There’s We Bought a Plot!  

The idea is that, at some point in the past, Anne and Clay bought a burial plot, and though they are currently married to other men, they nevertheless plan to spend Eternity together.

 Here are some of the lyrics. Please email Danny and tell him he should set them.

Love will endure,
Love will survive,
Remain ever strong,
After we’re not alive.
When we are squished and squashed
In a box of wood,
Together for good.
Deep in the mud,
Drained of all blood,
In our subterranean Camelot,
Holding hands as we rot,
There in our plot.
We have a plot.
We bought a plot!

PLOT TWIST: Danny did set some of the lyrics YEARS ago…