Jeff Blumenkrantz

Jeff Blumenkrantz. Forget “triple threat.” He’s the ultimate threat: Singer, Actor, Dancer (?), Comedian, Composer, Lyricist, Musician, and virtuosic in all areas. And so goddamn smart!

 Jeff has been involved in Regretting since the beginning, so we’ve worked together for quite awhile now, and let me tell you — there is nothing more terrifying than when Jeff turns to me and says, “Ummm, Lauren? I have a question.”

 When Jeff has a question, I know I screwed something up. My grammar is wrong, I used the wrong word, I messed up the rhyme scheme, something doesn’t make sense — could be anything. A few months ago, when Jeff said, “Ummm, Lauren? In this lyric? You mean “lay,” not “lie,” right?” — or maybe the other way around; I’ll never get it straight — I immediately agreed, aware that he was saving me the embarrassment of recording the song with wrong word.

 So, thank you, Jeff. Not only for blessing us with your massive talent, but for all the small ways in which you’ve made Regretting better, and me better. Or at least always working to be better because I don’t want to disappoint you.