This post is about one of my absolute favorite things that happened in the process of making the musical comedy album. In fact, if we had somehow never finished the album, this moment would have made it all worth it anyway. (Danny would most definitely not agree with this).
This is what it was: Benji Goldsmith, Jacob Fjeldheim, and Danny in a booth doing background vocals on The Baby Likes Me Best. They are singing the role of the dog. The lyrics are “Woof. Woof. Woof. Grrrrrrrr.” Three brilliant composer/MDs/conductors negotiating who would conduct. Discussing the cut offs. Debating the pros and cons of various approaches to the growl.
Benji, Jacob and Danny were my classmates at NYU. They are my friends and collaborators. But because I am as old as their mothers, I also have this — it’s not accurate to say it’s a maternal response, but it’s clearly something different than what they evoke in one another.
Beth and Jeff can make me laugh and move me to tears, but Danny, Jacob and Benji barking together in the booth? As William Finn would say, I was kvelling.
Hear the full song below (backups starts at 2:40):