You know what would be the coolest thing ever? The Regretting Almost Everything (Concept Album) getting nominated for Best Musical Theatre Album of the Year.
Read MoreOne reason we go to the theatre is to be validated; to see something happen on stage that makes us feel like shouting “Yes! That’s it! That is how it felt. I’m not crazy. I’m not alone.”
Read MoreWhen we first did Regretting Almost Everything at Mr. Finn’s Cabaret at Barrington Stage in August of 2017, there was no libretto, and it fell on me to act as host and narrator.
Read MoreThe first iteration of Regretting Almost Everything was performed at Mr. Finn’s Cabaret at Barrington Stage in August of 2017. Two stools, no props, four on-stage musicians.
Read MoreRegretting is a two-person musical about a husband and wife who the audience should root for equally. There is no villain. Anne and Clay must be equally sympathetic.
Read MoreThe time has come to pitch producers. With our publicist’s help, we’ve created a pitch deck. What’s in it?
Read MoreThis is one of my favorite photos from the recording sessions. What is Lauren thinking? What is going through her head? Here’s one possible answer…
Read MoreOne of the last songs we wrote for Regretting is the penultimate song in the show:
How Do You Measure a Marriage?
My daughter, who lives in Chicago, gave birth to a baby girl on my birthday, January 23rd — the year of my birthday is none of your business — in 2016, my first year at NYU. Her name is Elle.
Read MoreBefore I wrote the lyrics for “It’s Normal,” I met with an acquaintance who’s a marital counselor and sex therapist.
Read MoreIn the libretto for the musical — as distinguished from the album — Blind Date is the first song and Do It All Again is the last song. We made Blind Date a bonus track on the album because we thought it would be confusing to open with it on the album.
Read MoreJeff Blumenkrantz. Forget “triple threat.” He’s the ultimate threat: Singer, Actor, Dancer (?), Comedian, Composer, Lyricist, Musician, and virtuosic in all areas. And so goddamn smart!
Read MoreThis post is about one of my absolute favorite things that happened in the process of making the musical comedy album. In fact, if we had somehow never finished the album, this moment would have made it all worth it anyway. (Danny would most definitely not agree with this.)
Read MoreAnne doesn’t want to take a job out of town; she does it hoping it will strengthen her marriage.
Read MoreYesterday, Danny and I sat quietly in a corner while Beth and Jeff talked with Seth Rudetsky about the album. Afterwards, Beth and Jeff asked us if there was a libretto.
Read MoreThe album launched on Tuesday, March 14th. Yesterday, Friday, March 17th, my friend Mimi called me in the middle of the day to tell me she’d been streaming Spotify, listening to a Broadway playlist, and suddenly, she realized she was listening to one of our songs!
Read MoreMaking a concept album of a musical comedy about marriage like the Regretting Almost Everything concept album, requires a lot of people. Someone to turn pages for the pianist, assistant engineers, a videographer, musicians, publicist, etc.
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